
For quality assurance, we have our own, in-house laboratory where all of our restorations are manufactured under strict standards and using only the best materials available on the market. This enables us to deliver our treatments efficiently, guaranteeing patient satisfaction and the long term success of our dentistry.

Tooth whitening revitalizes your smile by removing stains caused by pigments, turning teeth back to white.
Replacement of missing teeth with dental implants. We place implants and restore them thinking about the appearance and correct function of teeth. To ensure success, we diagnose and plan each case with the patient’s best interest in mind.
Replacement of metal and damaged fillings with new metal-free, bonded restorations.
Custom smile design using digital photography and diagnostic tools with the support of our laboratory.
Our in-house ceramics lab ensures quality control from start to finish and allows us to fine-tune details efficiently.
All ceramic, metal free restorations.
Grinding and tooth wear can be managed with a night guard. We make these in our lab and are able to deliver them in one appointment.